





1)What does the EXAM_GRADE program do

The program helps  teachers and lecturers  in their exam gradings.  Imagine  an exam for 50 students with 10 questions for each student.  The teacher must read 500 questions.    Lecturers of technical  courses prefer to evaluate the same questions for all students sequentially. i.e the lecturer reads the 1.st question for all student and then he reads the second question for all students etc.

This program provides this  capability.  The program displays the first questions of all students in a sequential manner.

The lecturer grades them by clicking the mouse and then the program displays the next question.



2)How can I load the program to my computer

The program is written in MATLAB. Thus in order to use the the program you must install MATLAB in your computer.

You can get  detailed information about MATLAB from the site


After installing MATLAB, you  should open the RAR file which  you can find in this WEB  site.

The program will automatically  be set up.

Double click on the file


and then click


and click

run a_exam_grade


3)Is it necesssary that the user must know MATLAB

The user does not need to know MATLAB programming  codes. 


4)How can I start to use the program, if I have hard copy exam papers

You must scan the exam papers first.  If the scanner output is in PDF format you must convert  each page into JPEG format.



5)Is it necessary that  the exam papers must be in a certain form.

Each student exam paper  must be  in a standard  form.  i.e the relative  question locations must be  the same for each exam paper.  Intentionally  changing the  question locations  is possible. 


6)Brief summary of the program 

    1)Introduce the student number into compter 

    2)Transfer scanned exam papers into ceratin folders in your computer.

    3)Enter the  information “ which paper belongs to  which student 

     4)Run the program and  enter questions grades.

     5)Press the “grade calucation” button and observe the  results.


7)How much does the  EXAM_GRADE program cost

The program is free of charge for educational uses.