Professor. Dr. Mehmet Azmi Aktacir

Harran University, Engineering Faculty,

Mechanical Engineering Dept. Sanliurfa 63300, Turkey

Phone:+90 (414) 3183802; Fax:+90 (414) 3183799

e-mail 1:, e-mail 2:, e-mail 3:

  •   Ph.D.: Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2005, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey

  •   M.Sc.: Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1995, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

  •   B.Sc.: Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1993, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey

  •   Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Center, GAPYENEV 2017-

  • ManagerHarran University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, 2014-2017.

  •   ChairmanHarran University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Department, 2014-2015.

  •   Deputy Director, Solar Energy Research and Application Center,  2008-2015

  •   Faculty councilor, Harran University, Facultiy of Engineering, 2009-2012, 2014-2017

  •   Vice ChairmanHarran University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Department, 2009-2011.

  •   Assoc. Prof. ,   Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey,  2013-2018

  •   Asist. Prof. ,   Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey,  2007-2013.

  •   Research Asist. Dr.,  Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey,  2005-2007.

  •   Research Asist.,   Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, 2000-2005.

  •   Research Asist.,   Department of Mechanical Engineering Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey, 1993-2000.

Areas of Interest

  •   HVAC System Applications

  •   Energy Analysis in Building

  •   Renewable Energy, Solar Energy

  •   Photovoltaic System Applications


Memberships to Professional Organizations

  •   Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers
  •   Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and  Architects, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
  •   National Photovoltaic Platform





  •   Thermodynamics I,

  •   Measuring Technics

  •   Thermodynamics II,

  •   Heat and mass transfer

  •   Project

  •   Engineering Laboratory


Reviewer in Journals
  •   International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2012
  •   Building and Environment, 2011, 2012
  •   Aplied Energy, 2011
  •   International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2011
  •   Energy, 2010, 2011
  •   Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2010
  •   International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2010



A. Thesis:

 A1. Ph.D: " Influence of Outdoor Air Conditions on Operating Capacity of Air Conditioning Systems", Çukurova University,  Mechanical Engineering Department, 2005. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tuncay YILMAZ

A2. M.Sc: " A study on the natural ventilation of buildings in Sanliurfa", Harran University,  Mechanical Engineering Department,, 1995. Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr Cemal OKUYAN

 B. Papers published in international  peer-reviewed journals:

B.1.  Erdal Yıldırım, Mehmet Azmi Aktacir, " Investigation of azimuth and tilt angle effects on building integrated photovoltaic systems"Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University (2018).

B.2.  İsmail Hilali, Refet Karadağ, Husamettin Bulut, Mehmet Azmi Aktacir, " A study on ideal distance between staggered metal hydride tanks in forced convection"International Journal of Hydrogen Energy April (2018).

B.3. Mehmet Azmi Aktacir, " Experimental study of a multi-purpose PV-refrigerator system", International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 6(4), pp. 746-757, 18 February, 2011.

B.4.  Mehmet Azmi Aktacir, " Performance evaluation of different air-side economizer control methods for energy efficient building", Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, (in press).

B.5. Hüsamettin Bulut and Mehmet Azmi Aktacir, " Determination of free cooling potential: A case study for  Istanbul, Turkey", Applied Energy 88 (2011) 680-689.

B.6. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz, "A case study for influence of building thermal insulation on cooling load and air-conditioning system in the hot and humid regions", Applied Energy 87 (2010) 599-607.

B.7. Bülent Yeşilata and M. Azmi Aktacir. "A simple moisture transfer model for drying of sliced foods ", Applied Thermal Engineering, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 748-752, March 2009.

B.8. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca, Husamettin Bulut and Tuncay Yılmaz. "Influence of Different Outdoor Design Conditions on Design Cooling Load and Design Capacities of Air Conditioning Equipments" , Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 49, Issue 6, Pages 1766–1773, June 2008 .

B.9. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz. "Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Constant-Air-Volume and Variable-Air-Volume Air-Conditioning Systems", Applied Energy, Volume 83, Issue 6, Pages 606-627, June 2006.

 C.  Papers published in national  peer-reviewed journals:

C.1. M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata, Emrah Yaka, Burak Yenigün “Determination of Cooling Design Temperatures for Cities in Turkey”,Tesisat Mühendisliği, sayı 126, sayfa 5-12, Kasım/Aralık 2011

C.2. M. Azmi Aktacir, M.Akif Nacar, Bülent Yeşilata, “A Brief Review On  Software about Energy Efficiency in Buildings,Enerji Verimliliği Dergisi, yıl 2, sayı 15,  sayfa 50-57, Ekim 2011.

C.3. M. Azmi Aktacir, Hüsamettin  Bulut "Analysis of free-cooling potential for air conditioning systems”, Termodinamik, sayı 219,  sayfa 66-78, Kasım 2010.

C.4. M.Akif Nacar, M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata "Evaluation of the cooling load software, widely used within the scope of energy efficiency in buildings”, Termodinamik, sayı 218,  sayfa 86-92, Ekim 2010.

C.5. Nurettin Beşli, M. Azmi Aktacir and Bülent Yeşilata, “ Testing and Characterization of Photovoltaic Panels for Actual operating Conditions”, Mühendis ve Makina, sayı 601, sayfa 21-28, Şubat 2010.

C.6. M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata, "Photovoltaic System Applications at Harran University Campus ", Tesisat Mühendisliği, sayı 111, sayfa 41-46, 2009

C.7. M. Azmi Aktacir and Hüsamettin  Bulut Comparison of the Temperature and Enthalpy-Controlled Free Cooling Applications ”, Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi, sayı 56, sayfa 35-41, Temmuz-Ağustos 2008.

C.8. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca, “Determining the Effectiveness of "Thermal Insulation Standard TS 825" in Warm Climate Regions ”, Yalıtım Dergisi, sayı 72, sayfa 74-86, Mayıs-Haziran 2008.

C.9. M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata, Yusuf Işıker, “Photovoltaic-Wind Power Systems Application, Yeni Enerji Yenilenebilir Enerji Teknolojileri, sayı 3, sayfa 56-62, Mart-Nisan 2008.

C.10. M. Azmi Aktacir, Hüsamettin Bulut, “Outdoor Air Temperature Controlled Free Cooling Aplication for All Air Conditioning Systems and Energy Analysis , Tesisat Mühendisliği, sayı 104, sayfa 35-44 Mart-Nisan 2008.

C.11. M. Azmi Aktacir, “Free Cooling Potentials of All-Air Conditioning Systems in different climatic regions of Turkey”, Tesisat Mühendisliği, sayı 99, sayfa 66-74 Mayıs-Haziran 2007.

C.12. M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata, “Development of A simple drying model for sliced foods”, Tesisat Mühendisliği, sayı 92, sayfa 50-55 Mart-Nisan 2006.

C.13. Tuncay Yılmaz, M. Azmi Aktacir, "Influence of variable outdoor air conditions on operating capacity of air conditioning systems "Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 20.cilt, sayı 1, sayfa 23-38, Haziran 2005.  

C.14. M. Azmi Aktacir, Alper Yılmaz, "Mathematical Expression of The Cooling Coil SurfaceTemperature at the Central Station Air Handling Unit" Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19.cilt, sayı 1, sayfa 169-175, Haziran 2004.  

C.15. Bülent Yeşilata, M. Azmi Aktacir, "A Study on Changes in the psychrometric Caused by an Artificial Water Bodies ”, Termodinamik, sayı 106, sayfa 56-60, Haziran 2001.  

C.16. Bülent Yeşilata, M. Azmi Aktacir, Investigation of Photovoltaic Water Pumps Design Guidelines, Mühendis ve Makina, sayı 493, sayfa 29-34, Şubat 2001.  

 D. Papers presented in national scientific meetings and published in the proceedings :

D.1. M. Azmi Aktacir, Yusuf Işıker, Bülent Yeşilata and İsmail Hilali, “Renewable Energy Use in Agricultural Applications", Uluslararası Katılımlı Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği Sempozyumu ve Mermercilik Şurası Sempozyum (UDUSIS 2010) bildiriler kitabı sayfa 521-527, 24-26 Mayıs 2010, Diyarbakır.

 D.2. Hüsamettin Bulut, Yusuf Işıker, M. Azmi Aktacir and Bülent Yeşilata “Total, direct and diffuse solar Irradiance Measurement for determining the potential of solar energy applications”, Uluslararası Katılımlı Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği Sempozyumu ve Mermercilik Şurası Sempozyum (UDUSIS 2010) bildiriler kitabı sayfa 484-490, 24-26 Mayıs 2010, Diyarbakır.

D.3.  Nurettin Beşli, M. Azmi Aktacir and Bülent Yeşilata, “The Energy Data Analysis of Photovoltaic Electrification System Integrated Campus Network”, ULIBTK’09-17. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, 24-27 Haziran 2009, Sivas.

D.4. İsmail Hilali, M. Azmi Aktacir and Bülent Yeşilata, “Experimental Investigation of the Combined System of Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell”, V. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu (YEKSEM-2009) bildiriler kitabı, 19-20 Haziran 2009, Diyarbakır.

D.5.  M. Azmi Aktacir, Yusuf Işıker and Bülent Yeşilata, “Experimental Investigation of a DC-Refrigerator with Photovoltaic Power System”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi 30. Yıl Sempozyumu, 16-17 Ekim 2008, Adana.

D.6.   M. Azmi Aktacir, Yusuf Işıker and Bülent Yeşilata, “Experimental Investigation of a Photovoltaic Pumping System”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi 30. Yıl Sempozyumu, 16-17 Ekim 2008, Adana.

D.7.   Nurettin Beşli, M. Azmi Aktacir, and Bülent Yeşilata, “The original mechanism for PV Panel testing in Atmospheric Conditions”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi 30. Yıl Sempozyumu, 16-17 Ekim 2008, Adana.

D.8.   Bülent Yeşilata,  İ. Halil Mutlu and M. Azmi Aktacir, " Integration of Photovoltaic Energy Technology on campus and R & D activities ", 1. Temiz Enerji Kurultayı bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 35-42, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 15-17 Ekim 2008, Ankara.

D.9.  M. Azmi Aktacir and Orhan Büyükalaca "Determining the Effectiveness of "Thermal Insulation Standard TS 825" in Warm Climate Regions", Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği, VIII. Uluslararası Yapıda Tesisat Teknolojisi Sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 98-108 , 12-14 Mayıs 2008, İstanbul. 

D.10.  M. Azmi Aktacir and Hüsamettin  Bulut "Comparison of  Tempareture and Enthalpy Controlled Free Cooling Aplications", Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği, VIII. Uluslararası Yapıda Tesisat Teknolojisi Sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 495-503 , 12-14 Mayıs 2008, İstanbul. 

D.11.  M. Azmi Aktacir and Hüsamettin  Bulut "Outdoor Air Temperature Controlled Free Cooling Aplication for All Air Conditioning Systems and Energy Analysis", İKLİM 2007 II. Ulusal İklimlendirme Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 149-161, 15-18 Kasım 2007, Antalya.

D.12.  Bülent Yeşilata,  İ. Halil Mutlu and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Photovoltaic Power and Harran University Clean Energy Campus Integrated Project-1: Strategic Principles", IV. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu (YEKSEM-2007) bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 71-75, 31 Ekim- 2 Kasım 2007, Gaziantep.

D.13.  Bülent Yeşilata,  İ. Halil Mutlu and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Photovoltaic Power and Harran University Clean Energy Campus Integrated Project-2: Initial studies and Results", IV. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu (YEKSEM-2007) bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 76-81, 31 Ekim- 2 Kasım 2007, Gaziantep.

D.14. M. Azmi Aktacir and Hüsamettin  Bulut, "Investigation of Free Cooling Potential  for Izmir Province, Turkey", VIII. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 683-697, 25-28 Ekim 2007, İzmir.

D.15.  Hüsamettin  Bulut,  A. Fatih Durmaz and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Thermal Performance Analysis of a Solar Air Collector", 3. Güneş Enerjisi Sistemleri Sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 53-61, 8-10 Haziran 2007, Mersin.

D.16.     M. Azmi Aktacir and Hüsamettin Bulut, "Investigation of Free Cooling Potential  for Kayseri Province, Turkey", ULIBTK’07-16. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, 30 Mayıs-2 Haziran 2007, Kayseri.

D.17. Hüsamettin Bulut,  A. Fatih Durmaz and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Comparison of Cooling Load Calculation Methods for Air Conditioning Systems , Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği, VII. Uluslararası Yapıda Tesisat Teknolojisi Sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 1-12 , 8-10 Mayıs 2006, İstanbul. 

D.18. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz, "Influence of the Thermal Capacity of Opaque Exterior Building Elements on the Building Cooling Load ", GAP V. Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 103-110, 26-28 Nisan 2006, Şanlıurfa. 

D.19. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz, "Cooling Load Calculation Methods", ULIBTK’03, 14. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, sayfa 64-69, 3-5 Eylül 2003, Isparta.  

D.20. Hüsamettin Bulut, Orhan Büyükalaca, Tuncay Yılmaz and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Detailed climate data for the GAP Region, GAP IV. Uluslar arası Katılımlı Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 183-191, 06-08 Haziran 2002, Şanlıurfa. 

D.21. Bülent Yeşilata and M. Azmi Aktacir, "A Study on Changes in the psychrometric Caused by an Artificial Water Bodies", SİMER’2000 6.Ulusal Soğutma ve İklimlendirme Tekniği Kongresi, sayfa 316-324, 13-14 Nisan 2000, Adana.  

D.22. Bülent Yeşilata and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Investigation of Photovoltaic Water Pumps Design Principles", GAP 3. Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 32-40, 24-26 Mayıs 2000, Şanlıurfa.  

D.23. M. Azmi Aktacir and Bülent Yeşilata, "Determination of Insulation Thickness Required According To New Thermal Insulation Standards", GAP 3. Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 71-77, 24-26 Mayıs 2000, Şanlıurfa.  

D.24. M. Azmi Aktacir, Bülent Yeşilata and Müslüm Açıker, "A Study on the Economic Analysis of the Use of Thermal Insulation in Buildings", GAP 3. Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 65-70, 24-26 Mayıs 2000, Şanlıurfa.  

D.25. M. Azmi Aktacir and Müslüm Açıker, "Analysis of Electricity Energy in Şanlıurfa", 1.GAP ve Sanayi  Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 317-324, 25-26 Eylül 1999 Diyarbakır.  

D.26. M. Azmi Aktacir, Mehmet Gümüşçü, and İsmail Hilali, "Investigation of Motor Vehicles Exhaust Emission Measurements in Sanliurfa", GAP 2.Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 674-680, 21-23 Mayıs 1998, Şanlıurfa.  

D.27. Mehmet Gümüşçü, M. Azmi Aktacir and Müslüm Açıker, "Solar Energy Assisted Drying Systems", GAP 2.Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 301-308, 21-23 Mayıs 1998, Şanlıurfa.  

D.28. M. Azmi Aktacir, Mehmet Gümüşçü  and Müslüm Açıker, "Energy Efficiency for Heating Systems ", GAP 1.Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, 416-420, 29 Mayıs-01 Haziran 1996, Şanlıurfa.

D.29. M. Azmi Aktacir, Mehmet Gümüşçü  and Müslüm Açıker, "Passive Cooling Systems in Buildings", GAP 1.Mühendislik Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 408-415, 29 Mayıs-01 Haziran 1996, Şanlıurfa.  

D.30. İsmail Hilali, Cemal Okuyan and M. Azmi Aktacir, "Investigation of Solar Assisted Absorption Refrigeration System in Şanlıurfa",10.Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 323-332, 6-8 eylül 1995, Ankara.  

D.31. M. Azmi Aktacir, Cemal Okuyan and İsmail Hilali, "Investigation of Air Conditioning Traditional Urfa Houses",10.Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 623-63, 6-8 eylül 1995, Ankara.

E.  Projects:

E.1.  M. Azmi Aktacir, 2011, Researcher, "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Center (GAP-YENEV)", DPT, (Continue).

E.2. M. Azmi Aktacir, 2010,  Researcher, Project No: 2010K/120980 "Harran University High Performance Computing Research Center ", DPT, (Continue).

E.3.  M. Azmi Aktacir, 2010, Project No: 109M427, Project manager "Development of a web-based software for building cooling load calculations in Turkey ", TUBİTAK, (Continue).

E.4. M. Azmi Aktacir, 2010,  Project manager, "Computer-Aided Analysis of the building cooling load ", HUBAK, (Continue).

E.5. M. Azmi Aktacir DPT Project, 2008, Project No: 2006K/120670, Researcher, " Integration of Advanced Solar Energy Technologies with New Campus of Harran University and Investigation of the Applicable Technologies in the Gap Region." DPT.

E.6.  M. Azmi Aktacir, Project No: MMF.2003.D9, "Influence of variation of hourly outdoor climate data on Operating Capacity of Air Conditioning Systems", Çukurova Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi (Ph.D Thesis).

E.7. M. Azmi Aktacir, Project No: 68, 1997-98, "Determination of drying parameter of Şanlıurfa Pepper ", Harran Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu.

F. Other publications:

F.1. M. Azmi Aktacir, Husamettin Bulut, İsmail Hilali, "Seminer on Energy Efficiency and Conservation", Şanlıurfa İl Özel İdaresi, 23-24.05.2012 ŞANLIURFA.

F.2. M. Azmi Aktacir (Panelist), "Electricity generation by solar energy", Mardin İl Tarım Müdürlüğü, Alternatif Enerji Kaynaklarının Tarımda Kullanılması Paneli, 23.12.2009 Mardin.

F.3. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz, “RADIANT TIME SERIES - RTS COOLING LOAD CALCULATION METHOD”, Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği (TTMD)-Çukurova Üniversitesi Soğutma ve İklimlendirme Tekniği Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi SİMER Eğitim Semineri, 09.04.2005 Adana.

F.4. M. Azmi Aktacir, Orhan Büyükalaca and Tuncay Yılmaz, “Comparison of VAV and CAV air conditioning system ”, Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği (TTMD)-Çukurova Üniversitesi Soğutma ve İklimlendirme Tekniği Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (SİMER) Eğitim Semineri,  14.05.2005 Adana.


  G. List of Cited:

Document title



Source title

Cited by

Determination of free cooling potential: A case study for İstanbul, Turkey

Bulut, H.,

Aktacir M.A.


Applied Energy 88 (3) , pp. 680-689 


  1. Potential of air-side economizers for data center cooling: A case study for key Australian cities Siriwardana, J.Jayasekara, S.Halgamuge, S.K. 2013 Applied Energy 104 , pp. 207-219

  2. A multiple stage approach to mitigate the risks of telecommunication equipment under free air cooling conditions Dai, J.Das, D.Pecht, M. 2012 Energy Conversion and Management 64 , pp. 424-432

  3.  Prognostics-based risk mitigation for telecom equipment under free air cooling conditions Dai, J.Das, D.Pecht, M., 2012 Applied Energy 99 , pp. 423-429


Experimental study of a multi-purpose PV-refrigerator system

Aktacir M.A.


International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (4) , pp. 746-757


  1.  Design, realization and optimization of a photovoltaic system equipped with analog maximum power point tracking (MPPT) command and detection circuit of the dysfunction and convergence the system (CDCS) Mrabti, T.El Ouariachi, M.Malek, R.Kassmi, K.,Tidhaf, B.Bagui, F.Olivié, F.Kassmi, K. 2011 International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (35) , pp. 7865-7888

  2. Behavior and performance of a photovoltaic generator in real time Yahya, A.M.Youm, I.Kader, A. 2011 International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (18) , pp. 4361-4367

  3. An experimental and modeling study of a dehumidification tower Salarian, H.Ghadamian, H.Assadi, M.K.Ataei, A. 2011 International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (12) , pp. 2852-2860


A case study for influence of building thermal insulation on cooling load and air-conditioning system in the hot and humid regions

Aktacir M.A. Büyükalaca, O.,

Yilmaz, T.


Applied Energy 87 (2) , pp. 599-607


1.     Development of polynomial regression models for composite dynamic envelopes' thermal performance forecasting Mavromatidis, L.E.Bykalyuk, A.Lequay, H. 2013 Applied Energy 104 , pp. 379-391

2.     Study on performance of energy-efficient retrofitting measures on commercial building external walls in cooling-dominant cities Huang, Y.Niu, J.-L.Chung, T.-M. 2013 Applied Energy 103 , pp. 97-108

3.     A coupled numerical approach on museum air conditioning: Energy and fluid-dynamic analysis Ascione, F.Bellia, L.Capozzoli, A. 2013 Applied Energy 103 , pp. 416-427

4.     Evaluation on the thermal conductivity of sand-cement blocks with kenaf fiber Jalilluddin, A.M.Ayop, S.M.Kamaruddin, K. 2013 Advanced Materials Research 626 , pp. 485-489

5.     Determination of optimum insulation thickness based on cooling transmission load for building walls in a hot climate Ozel, M. 2013 Energy Conversion and Management 66 , pp. 106-114

6.     Thermal insulation in houses and sheds Boroni, G.Garcia Bauza, C.D'Amato, J.P.Bauza, C.G. 2012 IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 (5) , art. no. 6362366 , pp. 2195-2201

7.     Study of building adaptation in warm humid climate in Nigeria Adebamowo, M.Ilesanmi, A.O. 2012 Open House International 37 (4) , pp. 72-80

8.     Guidelines to study numerically and experimentally reflective insulation systems as applied to buildings Mavromatidis, L.E.El Mankibi, M.Michel, P.,Bykalyuk, A.Santamouris, M. 2012 Advances in Building Energy Research 6 (1) , pp. 2-35

9.     An analysis of heat insulation efficiency of building outer skins used for green building Hou, W.-S.Chuang, T.-F.Hsieh, E.-C.Chang, Y.-H. 2012 Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 33 (4) , pp. 407-422

10.   Investigation of a solar cooling installation in Tunisia Balghouthi, M.Chahbani, M.H.Guizani, A. 2012 Applied Energy 98 , pp. 138-148

11.   The effects of external wall insulation thickness on annual cooling and heating energy uses under different climates Pan, D.Chan, M.Deng, S.Lin, Z. 2012 Applied Energy 97 , pp. 313-318

12.   Sustainable thermal energy storage technologies for buildings: A review Parameshwaran, R.Kalaiselvam, S.Harikrishnan, S.Elayaperumal, A. 2012 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (5) , pp. 2394-2433

13.   Numerical estimation of time lags and decrement factors for wall complexes including Multilayer Thermal Insulation, in two different climatic zones Mavromatidis, L.E.EL Mankibi, M.Michel, P.,Santamouris, M. 2012 Applied Energy 92 , pp. 480-491

14.   Analysis on regional adaptability of interior thermal insulation system in South China Ren, P.Li, Q.Meng, Q.Wu, G.Lian, W. 2012 Applied Mechanics and Materials 121-126 , pp. 3077-3084

15.   Impact of energy efficiency measures on the economic value of buildings Popescu, D.Bienert, S.Schützenhofer, C.Boazu, R. 2012 Applied Energy 89 (1) , pp. 454-463

16.   A review of the economical and optimum thermal insulation thickness for building applications Kaynakli, O. 2012 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (1) , pp. 415-425

17.   The impact of the projected changes in temperature on heating and cooling requirements in buildings in Dhaka, Bangladesh Mourshed, M. 2011 Applied Energy 88 (11) , pp. 3737-3746

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A simple moisture transfer model for drying of sliced foods

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Influence of different outdoor design conditions on design cooling load and design capacities of air conditioning equipments

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Life-cycle cost analysis for constant-air-volume and variable-air-volume air-conditioning systems

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